Glossary of Key Terms



To discard or to dispose of without protection or covering. To leave as an orphan.

We at Dominion-Life International Ministries have a serious heart for the Saints

coming into their purpose in God so we will not cause abandonment.


Firm, confident, and positive in attitude and discipline.


An apostle is "one chosen and sent with a special commission." They are referred to as

"wise master builders" or "spiritual architects" (1 Corinthians 3:10). They are neither

infallible nor superhuman beings but are ‘naturally supernatural’ imparting a grace

from God that activates knowledge skill, creativity, spiritual force, government, leadership,

insight, accuracy,  and performance in accordance with the exactness of God.


The apostolic anointing is given by God for the building of the Church, as the first of the

five-fold ministries, which are needed for its perfect functioning. The office entails outward

ministry to the Church throughout the earth and is not confined to one individual part of the
body or to one specific type of gifting. The apostle also plays a key role in the local church.

Quite apart from the original apostles, it is clear from the scripture that the apostolic office is a

continuing one within the Church, as are those of the Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, and Teacher

(According to Ephesians 4 verse 11). The apostolic ministry is pioneering and foundational,

essential to the building process in the Church and to its Reformation in line with the continuous

revelation of Scripture. Apostles father sons who, in turn, will raise up to be fathers and ensure the
generational transfer that is so essential to the continuation of the Church.

Apostolic Network

An apostolic network is a gathering of autonomous churches, ministers, ministries, and Kingdom
organizations that are voluntarily united around a common vision determined by a called, gifted,
and spiritually functioning Apostle. It is headed by a functioning apostle or apostolic team.



The term derives from what Biblical Babylon represented – A system of success and material wealth,
which is the fulfillment of everything man can be in the natural realm without God; a system built without
faith in God, which desires to conquer and destroy God’s purpose and people. God’s people are to live in
and excel in Babylon while fleeing its values. Daniel is our model for successful Babylonian living.


One of the three components of man: is body, soul, and spirit. It is the will of God for the entire man to be redeemed
and sanctified (I Thess. 5:23). The physical body most usually expresses the intent of the soul. It is the corporeal form
of man, that which can be seen outwardly, by others. The total redemption of the body is still the future, occurring at the
point where we transition from mortality to immortality. However, management of the process must be instituted now, in
that the body must not be abused and put in the way of physical sin (Rom. 6:13). Personal responsibility and personal
choice are paramount in managing the body.


The ability to spiritually blast through, penetrate, and overcome barriers (spiritual, social, economic, political)
through the grace and power of Jesus Christ.



The true essence, or inner substance of a person, the integrity of which is refined and tested constantly by God.


The universal Body of Christ is likened in Scripture to a Body with Christ as Head and to a building with Christ as
‘the chief cornerstone’ and the Believers as “living stones”. It has no relationship to denominationalism but rather
the Church consists in all those people who have committed their lives to God in their hearts, who are purposefully
walking towards His determined end. A people called out to journey to a destination, which is the perfection of Christ.
The Church is a community without bounds of time and space and will one day be ‘a seamless robe’ of oneness in Him.

Covenant Relationship

A relationship birthed by the Spirit of God and developed through a continued commitment to
the agreed values and principles of God.



Spiritual perception of a situation, season, or person. God gives us keen discernment for all our circumstances,
but we 
must be sensitive in listening for His spiritual direction.



The Greek word for an assembly that was selected and organized by government officials to pass a ruling or
deliberate in judiciary/legislative matters. This word is translated as ‘church’ approximately three times in the
New Testament, and points to the governmental capacity of the Church as a ‘called out’ assembly that has the
ability to magistrate on universal (natural and spiritual, present and future) concerns.


The Ministry of an Elder An elder is simply someone more mature in the faith - a "father or mother in the Lord".
An elder is not a particular type of ministry but rather is a leader in the Body (1 Peter 5:1; 2 John 1; 3 John 1).
"To the elders among you...Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers..." 1 Peter 5:2
(also Acts 20:17, 28-31). The word "elder" - presbuteros - refers to any leadership ministry. An elder may be one
of the five or an "overseer" - episkopos - over a local church. But whether a person is a pastor
(one of the five-fold ministry) or an overseeing elder (in charge of a local body), both are called to be shepherds.
Following the example of the Chief Shepherd (John 10:1-16), a shepherd's ministry is to feed (verse 9); protect
(verse 12), guide (verses 3-4), and love (verse 15) the sheep


Evangelists extend the frontiers of God's Kingdom (see the ministry of Philip in Acts 6:3-7; 8:5-40; 21:8).
They are co-workers with and extensions of apostolic ministry (2 Timothy 4:5; 1 Thessalonians 3:2).
They also equip the body of Christ with the Evangelistic spirit of outreach.



The apostolic ability to raise up sons in the ministry who tap into grace by their ability to draw from the apostolic head,
not through organizational or structured Pharisee positionings but by a correct understanding of covenant and ranking.
Elijah and Elisha, and Paul and Timothy, are excellent examples of the father-son relationship necessary for apostolic
generational transfer.

Finishing Mentality

The mode of thought and operation, which will bring a course, task, or undertaking to completion. In the Church context,
it is to operate as Paul did and to ‘press on towards the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus’, knowing as Christ
himself did, that ‘to finish the work’ is of paramount importance.

Five-fold Ministry *

The operation of the governmental offices of Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Evangelist, and Teacher. A dimension of grace has
been given to some to equip the saints and edify the Body of Christ (the Church), an ongoing process whose conclusion is
the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, i.e., the man Christ (Eph. 4:11-13). These differ from a grace
gift, where the Spirit of God moves upon a Believer to function for a time in these dimensions, but with limited capability.


The basis (as tenet, principle, or axiom) upon which something stands or is supported.
The foundation of The church is Christ (the Chief Cornerstone) and the Apostles lay the
foundation as “wise master builders

Frequency *

In physics, the rate of repetition or number of cycles per second. Usually, God communicates at a state or level
that is incomprehensible to humans. However, enabled by the mind of Christ, the ways and operating principles
of God can be tapped into by His sons. This level or state of transmission is defined as a frequency. With
discernment, maturity, and obedience, the rate of repetition with which God communicates His intent to the
individual Believer or corporate body can be apprehended with greater regularity and clarity. Frequency also
refers to the current speaking of God (I Cor. 2:9-16) and its transmission from one Believer to another.


Having its original qualities unimpaired; not stale, sour, or decayed; newly come or arrived. A fresh ‘Word’ from
God is a fresh revelation of Scripture that may have been previously hidden or ‘locked’.



A group of individuals born and living contemporaneously.

Generation of Destiny

A group of individuals born and living contemporaneously according to the predetermined course mapped out by
God for them.

Gatekeeper Generation

A group of individuals born and living contemporaneously, who guard the spiritual activity and purpose of God in
their vicinity through their Kingdom lifestyle and their governmental prayer.


The nations, the unsaved of the Earth who do not know God.


Relating to or involving the entire world.

Global Vision

Mode of seeing or conceiving, involving the entire world. Coined phrase: "Think globally not locally". Global Vision
may be opposed to the limitations of a ‘parish mentality’ that has bound churches in the past (and still does today) to
limited, sometimes futile, activity within the confines of their own community.


Systems designed to encompass the entire earth in their executive actions.


To direct, or strongly influence the actions and conduct of others. To exert a determining or guiding
influence in or over.


The process of governing the Church is imbued with ‘the power to bring divine regulation and divine impact upon human and
demonic systems in the earth’; right government causes the eternal intents and purposes of God to proceed according to plan.


Heart attitude/position

One's innermost character, and condition, are validated by a lifestyle directly reflecting this position/attitude.



To strike forcefully.


Communication of knowledge, not just by mind but by Spirit.

Apostolic Impartation

The resource that gives momentum and breakthrough power for the next phase of God’s Reformation moving in the earth.

Prophetic Impartation

The resource for prophetic fulfillment of God’s purposes and plans.

Iceberg Principle

One-tenth of an iceberg is seen on the surface, but nine-tenths of it is hidden. As citizens of God’s Kingdom, we must
have a depth/foundation (based on character and intimacy with God) that is the core of who we are.


Jabez Spirit

Jabez was one who overcame the words spoken over him at birth and the restrictions implicit in his name. The world may
give you a negative name, but God can still use you as a prototype if you are willing to rise above it. Daniel and his friends
also rose above the names that Babylon imposed on them.

Jack in the Box Principle

A Jack jumps up and displays himself the instant his box is opened but as a people of God, when our boxes are opened,
we must serve God effectively but unobtrusively; there must be a death to self in the service.

Jehu Technology

Jehu was destined to destroy Jezebel and that spirit which would corrupt and destroy the Church. To that end, he 'rode
furiously' to his destined encounter with her and was not beguiled by her distracting words but kept absolutely to his

Jezebel Spirit

A Spirit within the Church that is bent on the suppression of God’s prophetic Word and the disruption of strong government
by any means possible. The Spirit is deceptive, self-seeking,  and yet knowledgeable. Attributes of this mentality include a
usurpation of spiritual authority, idolatry, manipulation of individuals, the deliberate slaughter of the apostolic/prophetic
spirit, corruption of spiritual values of purity/righteousness, and domination of Godly leadership (Rev. 2:20-24;
1 Kin. 16:31, 18:4, 19:2, 21:4-8). It must be annihilated at all costs as Jezebel herself had to be annihilated.


A year of emancipation and restoration provided by ancient Hebrew law to be kept every 50 years by the emancipation of Hebrew
slaves, restoration of alienated lands to their former owners, and cessation of all cultivation of the land; a season of celebration of
God’s goodness.



Kairos time refers to a special season during which the Lord releases a particular phase of His purpose. Reformation has a fixed and
definite time in the mind of God; there is a critical season when the mighty power of God is released and displayed to bring His plans
to pass. In order for the Kairos to be complete, a pre-ordained sequence of events (a process) must be brought to completion. Therefore,
it is a time that is highly charged with a sense of urgency and impregnated with a sense of destiny, in which a certain mentality prevails.
There must be an awareness of the absolute necessity of the ongoing process or task, a willingness to deny the demands of the flesh to
bring that process to completion, intolerance of any resistance or hindrance, as well as a seamless joining, through prophetic illumination,
of our hearts and minds with God’s desire.


The Kingdom of God refers to that system which Christ came to usher in, established through the beliefs, values, and heart
positions that God would build in His people on this earth (see for example Matthew 13). It is the expression of God’s
sovereignty on the Earth (1 Peter 2:9-10) and is to be manifested by His Church (Ekklesia).

Kingdom Advancing Prayer

Breakthrough, penetrative prayer. It is offered up by those saints who seek out God’s purpose within their own Church body and the wider
Church and seek His will and success in their purposes by their declarations and decrees into these purposes. It is a strong warfare prayer
directed to circumvent Satan’s strategies and affect God’s rulership on the earth.


The Greek word for physical time. Physical time is the operational framework for man. A complex, sanctified man operates in this context,
yet by principles from an unseen realm, which is regulated and defined by God’s timing.



A system of communication common to a speech community and reflecting their common understandings and shared philosophies.
It expresses a singleness of intent. (Genesis 11:1) The men building the Tower of Babel tapped into the power of the technology of
a common language, which multiplied their strength and productivity.


The system of customs, practices, traditions, regulations, and rules, governing the sacrifices, ceremonies, and the structures
of Jewishlifestyle in the Old Testament. The Law represents a system that was created to keep sinful man in check. It was
intended to bring man closer to God through teaching obedience but instead drew him further away because of his attention
to the ‘letter’. The letter kills but the Spirit brings life. It was the foundation of the Old Covenant.


To have to lead is to be hearing something from the Holy Spirit; to follow a lead is to listen to what the Spirit says and obeys.


In order to hear (passive) we have to actively listen for God’s direction/speaking; listening is impeded by all traditional
mindsets and ways of thinking: ‘hearing they will not hear, and understanding they will not understand, because of the
hardness of their hearts


This term describes a mentality that is validated by the former Old Testament relationship between God and man, rather
than by a New Testament understanding of grace. It refers to a mental position that emphasizes the old
Mosaic system of laws, rituals, and sacrifices, rather than the new system of grace.


An individual’s way of life; this term has gained currency as an abbreviation of the expression ‘lifestyle Christianity’
or ‘Kingdom Lifestyle’. ‘Lifestyle Christianity’ is a way of life that is shaped by the accurate application of Kingdom
principles to our everyday lives.


It entails illumination or knowledge gained by divine revelation (when God shows you something), prophetic
discernment (spiritual gifting), and a total break with the ways of the world which led to darkness. God
represents light, and the Devil represents darkness; once He has brought us into the light, we must choose to
walk in the light consciously (Ephesians 5:8-14).



Both a formal order, commission, or command given by God to an individual or community and the authorization
to access anything necessary to fulfill that command.


The state in which full development or completion of a process, has been achieved.


Mode or way of thinking. For example, a "big stick mentality" is a mode of thought characterized by a dependence
on external policing and motivation, and a lack of self-government and personal responsibility.


A change in mental or spiritual position Refers to the constant shifts in mentality that must be accomplished by
Kingdom people who are always listening to God and adjusting themselves to a moving target. The meaning of
the word is derived from an understanding of the need for open hearts, flexible mentalities, and a desire for
increase. Reformation people are not stationary, passive, and rigid.


A rigid, inflexible mentality.


Spiritual impetus: the unstoppable advance of a spiritual activity that crushes all opposition in its path.


The ultimate limitation of the human race. Death is our final enemy and our final obstacle in the race to immortality.
But death has already been conquered. Therefore, mortality is a present reality that Reformation people reject,
prophetically laying hold of a more perfect reality that is to come.


Relating to the system of external rituals, sacrifices, and externally imposed law, instituted by Moses, when he led Israel
out of Egyptian slavery and through the wilderness.

Move (verb) of God

To arise from apparent inactivity or to display power in some perceptible way. (Noun) to describe the different phases by
which God establishes his Kingdom on the earth. Although the word is used to describe both God’s former phases and the
current Reformation, an important distinction exists between the previous moves of God and the present Reformation move
of God. The Reformation "breaks the established patterns of the moves of God on the Earth. It is of a higher frequency and
has a more devastating spiritual impact. This Reformation is of a higher rank than the successive moves of God that we
have experienced up to this time."



Most are usually opposed to ‘spiritual’. Man has natural or carnal inclinations which often oppose his spiritual call. We may
look at things in the ‘natural’ or in the ‘spiritual’ – tantamount to the difference between looking at the seen as opposed to the
unseen. New Age Modern (demonic) spiritualism purports to be a movement for the self-development of the individual while
actually making him/her prey to demonic influences through mind penetration.

This prominent feature of the world system at the turn of the millennium capitalizes on Man’s continued attempts to attain
self-sufficiency and self-aggrandizement and, paradoxically, to that element of man that craves spiritual fulfillment. Many
self-development seminars as well as Professional Development courses are geared towards releasing the mind from infiltration
by alien spiritual forces.

New Covenant

The effective spiritual order of Divine Grace. Jesus’ appearance on Earth permanently brought the entire complex Mosaic system
to the termination. He ushered in a transition that simultaneously invalidated the old order and introduced the new order. He came
to give us access to Him ‘by a new and living way’, that is through faith and grace, and, having so done, we were commissioned to
work out his purpose in the earth, to build His Church, and to manifest Kingdom reality in the earth.

Next Level

Refers to God’s immediate upward purpose for His people, to which He is constantly directing them. It involves our increase in
our Christian walk, that is in character, lifestyle, and closeness to Him, because only through personal increase can we access the
next level of purpose that He has for us.



An aggressive, bold, Spirit-filled Believer who does not and will not let anything stand in the way of fulfilling the Lord’s purpose
in their lives. They are spoken of in Revelation 2:7, 11, 17, 26, 3:5, 12, 21, 21:7 and 1 John 5:5.



A religious person, who thrives in legalism and bondage. They profess to know God but deny His power.

Pharisee Spirit

A spirit of religiosity that seeks to hold people in bondage to dead works and forms. It is a spirit that seeks to
enforce legalism in the Church. Jesus warned of us of that spirit when He said to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees.


The manifestation of our glorifying God through song, dance, audible prayer, and the lifting of hands. God inhabits our praises;
they release Him to war on our behalf, to direct us, and to come close to us. It is our essential purpose to praise God in all
circumstances and situations. David recognized more than any other the righteousness and power of praise.


The ministry of the prophet involves being "moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:21) in prophetic utterance, which can be:
Predictive (Acts 21:10-11; 11: 27-28), Directive (Acts 13:1-3), or Corrective (Acts 15:22-23,27,32). There is such a thing,
however, as a false Prophet (1 John 4:1); therefore, God sets clear guidelines: Prophecies should be time-tested (Acts 11:28).
The words of a Prophet are judged by church leadership (1Corinthians14:29) Any prophecy should be confirmed independently
(2 Corinthians 13:1). Any prophecy should line up with Scripture, "the sure word of prophecy" (2 Peter 1:19-21). The Prophet
operates best in teamwork with the Apostle (e.g. Paul and Silas). A Prophet is not just someone with a prophetic anointing, but
a recognized ministry to the Body at large. There are at least five dimensions of the prophetic:


The God-given ability to sense the mind and will of God, either past, present, or futuristic, for a person, group,  or situation and
to communicate it accurately through divine anointed speaking.



The divine arrangement of functioning headship manifested first in the Godhead and further in the five-fold ministry
(Ephes 4:11). Headship does not imply qualitative superiority but a functional system of command that releases
optimum performance when accepted and acted upon. Ranking and its acceptance run counter to everything the
world teaches, and recognition of its Kingdom-releasing power is a consummate act of faith.


(Verb)To make structural adjustments, to make straight again that which is broken, protrudes, or has become misaligned or
misshapen, to put back into the correct order or form. The meaning points to a skeletal adjustment or to a correction of the
inner mechanisms that give shape or form to the outer construct.


A reformation is brought about by a conscious deliberate people who understand the timings and seasons of the Lord and
who prophetically discern His moving in the earth. It requires ‘powerful transitions to new mentalities, new expectations
and faith levels, new revelation from the Word of God, for a more powerful performance of the purposes of God in the earth.
This powerful transition is Reformation.’ A Reformation requires the conscious choosing of a preferred destination; it does
not occur automatically. Reformation does not overtake the unaware or the unperceptive; it requires obedience, courage, and
understanding. A Reformation move of God is ordained in Heaven and received by prophetic people on the earth but must
be built by activities of sacrifice, joy, and persistent proclamation.

Rahab Reality

The capacity to discern and to act according to God’s reality rather than the natural one. Rahab revealed to the spies that
the enemies’ camp was filled with fear and acknowledged God’s presence with His people and the people of Jericho’s
imminent defeat. She sought alignment with God’s purpose, perceiving the unseen reality by which His people live.



The holiness of spirit. It not only entails separation from the world system and values but also a joyful entrance into Godly
principles and values. If it is only entering into and not separating from, it results in spiritual pollution, hypocrisy, and

Seven Thousand Others Principle

Just as God reminded Elijah that He had at least seven thousand others ready to serve Him, so we must recognize with Elijah
that, however much God is using us, He has manifold others he can call upon to do the job.

Soul *

The seat of human personality, and source of decisions. It reflects attitudes developed by interaction with myriad environments.
The soul is the source of our expressed characteristics and contains emotion and will. Man’s soul expresses the intent of the spirit
and utilizes the body to transmit this. The soul is redeemed by the processes of life and involves response and initiative, both of
which culture the soul. The spiritual revelation from the Word of God provides a measuring stick by which the soul’s operations
can be assessed and adjusted.

Spirit *

The innermost part of man’s being. Before salvation, man’s spirit is inhibited from operation or expression, as his activity in that
state is regulated by the desires of flesh operating through his soul. When Christ is proclaimed as Lord of an individual’s life, the
spirit is liberated (by His blood sacrifice) with the intent/result of providing government and direction to man. Thus, by this action,
man’s spirit has been redeemed. Spirit provides man with connectivity and awareness of God and His intent. It has the power to
communicate (sense, feel, be aware of) with the unseen realm of God and provides a regulatory function for our activities. The
spirit can be developed and made strong.



"A system of internal spiritual principles and laws that make an external manifestation predictable and stable". There is a system of
operation that facilitates the effective working out of God’s purposes in the Earth and we have to seek to lock into that system. We
must unlock the technology to bring about God’s ultimate purpose in the earth.

Teflon Spirit

This refers metaphorically to the individual saint's capacity to take all the knocks that the world may give and still come up
shining, like a Teflon-coated pan, with no bruise, scrape, or burn since we remain absolutely whole in God.

Tuning Fork Principle

This refers to the capacity to zone in on the teaching or speaking of a person who is of like mind in the apostolic process of the Church.
One Apostle can identify another by his speaking, his mode of thought because God is speaking to both of them on the same frequency.



(verb) To conduct one’s lifestyle. (noun) Mode of operation; lifestyle.

Warfare Prayer

The activity was undertaken by the “Present-Truth”, Kingdom people to weaken or destroy satanic strongholds of forces. Our Kingdom
Advancing Prayer is warfare! We do not fight against visible foes but against demonic powers. The battle is conducted in the realm
of prayer. The Kingdom cannot peacefully co-exist with anything different in nature, and all Kingdom advance is achieved in
the face of conflict, opposition, and resistance by satanic forces. Reformation people are Kingdom-advancing, governmental pray-ers,
armed with a warfare mentality.


Flexible, responsive pray-ers, who are discerning and prophetic, and who remain constantly vigilant to the changing tactics of the enemy.
God has set ‘watchmen’ on the walls of Jerusalem who are to give Him no peace until they establish God’s purpose on the earth.


Frequency, bandwidth, channel, means of communication or expression. Babylon (the world) is configured to transmit at a frequency
that distorts or blocks out God’s speaking. Christians must make sure that they are attuned to the right spiritual wavelength.


Our collective desire or intent as Kingdom people. We have the authority and power to bring to fruition whatever we have determined
and declared as God’s will, as His preference. It is imperative that the leadership of the church has an accurate vision, to keep the will
of the people seamlessly joined with God’s will. It is not by our human effort, but by co-operation with a pre-existent divine initiative,
that we achieve continued success for Him. The control of one’s actions, thoughts, and emotions. Kingdom people must be self-controlled,
internally policed, self-governed, and equipped with a sense of personal responsibility. It is to our will in God, not to our emotions, that we
must yield.


Systems of operation and thinking are designed to contain the purpose of God and bring it to maturity (Luke 5:37-39). New wine is
God’s new purpose, which is too dynamic for the rigidity of old, existing structures. Often, when God births a new process on the
Earth, the structures and mentalities that predate it are incapable of containing it until it comes to a place of fruition. Therefore, it is
necessary to build new structures and to update old mentalities to create appropriate vessels for God’s moving on the earth Old
wineskins refer to the status quo, the established patterns, and the traditional way of doing things. It speaks of a rigid, inflexible
vessel, incapable of holding the new purpose of God. New wineskins represent the elasticity of flexible mentalities that are in tune
with God’s new purpose. The expression conjures up images of an environment in which God’s new intent can evolve, mutate,
and come to maturity.


Deep understanding, keen discernment, and sound judgment. Wisdom = knowledge + understanding. The essential message of
Jesus’ parable in Matthew 25:14 is that if we (the servants) are to engage in a wise and accurate process, we must have knowledge
of who God is, as well as an understanding of what He wants. Of course, it is possible to have intellectual knowledge and an
academic understanding without ever achieving true (God-given) wisdom.

Witness (verb)

To serve as evidence or proof, giving public affirmation, by word or example, of the reality of Christ’s sovereignty in our individual
and corporate lives. (noun) Testimony, proof, or attestation of the reality of Christ’s sovereignty.


Sustained effort and activity are necessary to achieve God’s purpose. There is a work requirement for every member of the
Kingdom. We are no longer passive recipients of God’s blessings, but active, willing participants in the process toward the
completion of God’s global purpose, as well as His purpose in our individual and corporate lives.

Word Logos and Rhema.

The Logos Word is God speaking through His Word to all believers; the Rhema Word is an individual word for a single believer
as God speaks particularly through a prophetic ministry, through His Word, or through any given individual.


(noun) See also Babylon. The political, economic, social, and philosophical systems of the world which are based on a body of
understanding which is opposed to the principles of the Kingdom of God. The entire world system in which we live is a
demonically designed, man-made, flesh-based "kingdom". It is a system of human thought and government that is devoid of
divine input, and which runs contrary to the principles of the Kingdom of God. For example, the religious systems that exist in
the church today are opposed to the Kingdom of God, even though they parade themselves as belonging to His kingdom. Being
flesh-based, they attempt to work on the external things and effect change from the outside in. In contrast, the Kingdom is
spirit-based and works from the inside out. In this example, it is a fundamental difference in philosophy, not in appearance,
that differentiates the world from the Kingdom. Both false and accurate Church systems look the same, but they are different
at the root.


Of, or relating to, the world. Worship (noun) The act of giving appropriate obeisance and adoration to God. Worship emanates
from a heart condition that puts God at the center of our personal universe and submits itself absolutely to Him. It is through
our worship that God is released to respond to us, to answer our prayers, to engage with us closely, and to direct us. Worship is
central to all God-relating activity.



The hilly central region of Jerusalem where David established his city. Known as a place of beauty, security, military strength,
gathering of Israel’s tribes, and the seat of the government of Israel. It was a place of elevation, clear vision, long sight, and
proclamation. Prophetically Zion speaks of the Church in all its glory. It is from Zion that David extended his kingdom and
governed the surrounding nations. Zion then is a picture of the church occupying its rightful governmental position on the earth.
Zion is a place of Kingdom interface with the nations.

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